Jurusan Gizi

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Hello fellas!🌻

Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan Gizi Poltekkes Kemenkes Bandung Proudly Present International Webinar 2021 with the theme ‘’Sustainable Healthy Diets for Better Generation.’’

▫️Welcome Speech:
Dr. Judiono, MPS (Head of Nutrition Department, Poltekkes Kemenkes Bandung)

▫️Keynote Speech:
Dr. Ir. H. R. Osman Syarief, MKM (Director of Poltekkes Kemenkes Bandung)

1. Eugene Y. Wang (Sophie's BioNutrients Pte, Ltd - Singapore)
2. Yohannes Willihelm S, S.Gz, MSc (Nutrition Department, Poltekkes Kemenkes Bandung - Indonesia)
3. Dr. Martin R. Parreno ( UN World Food Programme - Philippines)
4. Nattapol Tangshupoom, Ph.D. (Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University - Thailand)

▫️Food Products Innovation Presented by the Students of Nutrition Department, Poltekkes Kemenkes Bandung

1. Witri Priawantiputri, M.Gizi (Nutrition Department, Poltekkes Kemenkes Bandung - Indonesia)
2. Dr. Judhiastuty Februhartanty, MSc (SEAMEO REFCON)

This event will be held on:
📆 Date: Saturday the 9th of October, 2021
🕒 Time: 8 AM Jakarta Time (GMT+7)
🏤 Platform: Zoom Meeting

🏷️Link Registration:

💸Registration Fee:
• Presale 1 (22-25 Sept 2021): 25.000 IDR/2 USD
• Presale 2 (26 Sept-1 Oct 2021): 35.000 IDR/3 USD
• Presale 3 (2-8 Oct 2021): 45.000 IDR/4 USD

• Knowledge
• Door prize
• Relation
• E-Certificate SKP PERSAGI (on confirmation)
Contact Person:
📞+6281221096938 (Nadia Shefiana)
More Info:
Instagram: @internationalwebinar.gizibdg
Kunjungan : 625
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